34th Edition of the African Child : CAMNAFAW Bamenda deployed on the field to « sensitive »


Under the theme « Education for all Children, the Time is now » , the 34th Edition of the day of the African Child in Bamenda was branded by campaign of sensitizations and many more activities for the benefits of youths.

Young people were in the spotlight in Bamenda precisely at the Franco alliance Bamenda. Objectives sensitize on Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health with the intention to generate services.  The  CAMNAFAW Peer Educators animated a stand during which they sensitized the public especially youths on issues related to SHR.

During the sensitizations, they  emphasised on the importance of providing SRH information and services to young people. Free Voluntary Counseling and Testing of HIV was equally conducted by CAMNAFAW Bamenda to give the opportunity to young people to screen themselves and know their status.

On Reminder, this event would not be possible without the collaboration of CAMNAFAW with many others  associations like the presbyterian health complex and the help of the government true the  Regional Delegation of Social Affairs.

Constantin GONNANG

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